Toronto Flights

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Prices are for return travel taxes included from Toronto.

See all Toronto flight and bus entries.

Montreal $20 (US) $22 (Canadian)

Although this is mostly a flight deals blog I thought I should mention the amazingly cheap bus deals available from Coach Canada. This semi-permanent sale can be booked on their website look for $10 fares from late August 2007 till the end of September 2007. There are also $18, $28, and $38 fares available on days where there are no $10 fares. The only problem with this sale is that you need to select the exact hour of your departure. Coach Canada is the only bus company that travels directly between Montreal and Toronto Greyhound takes a detour through Ottawa.

Keywords: canada bus coach canada

Monday, Jul 2 2007 9:02pm

Suggested Good Deals to Canada

Toronto to Vancouver $357 (september october 2008)
Toronto to St. Johns, Newfoundland $273 (summer fall 2007)

Toronto to Asia Pacific Europe USA Latin America Canada Africa