Montreal Flights

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from New York
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Prices are for return travel taxes included from Montreal.

See all Montreal flight and bus entries.

Toronto $21 (US) $22 (Canadian)

The ongoing Coach Canada sale continues. Lots of travel days are available in May although most of the $10 (one way) seats are Monday to Thursday and Saturday. Remember that these tickets - unlike normal bus tickets - are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

Keywords: canada bus coach canada

Thursday, Apr 17 2008 2:57pm

Suggested Good Deals to Canada

Montreal to Toronto $22 (2007)
Montreal to Halifax $244 (promo code july august 2007)
Montreal to Saint John, New Brunswick $332 (summer june 2007)
Montreal to Halifax $271 (summer 2007)

Montreal to Asia Pacific Europe USA Latin America Canada Africa