Toronto Flights

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Prices are for return travel taxes included from Toronto.

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Mumbai, India $1058 (US) $1089 (Canadian)

A very cheap flight in late August to mid-September 2008. This flight in offered by Continental and can be found via Kayak or Orbitz. One set of sample dates available are from Aug 23 to Sep 17 2008. The flight is a long one because there is a stopover at Newark airport in NYC in both directions.

Keywords: asia kayak

Saturday, Jun 14 2008 5:45pm

Suggested Good Deals to Asia Pacific

Toronto to Beijing, China $972 (2008)
Toronto to Tokyo, Japan $946 (november december 2007)
Toronto to Tokyo $1111 (september 10 2007)
Toronto to Delhi, India $1256 (september 2007)

Toronto to Asia Pacific Europe USA Latin America Canada Africa