Toronto Flights

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Prices are for return travel taxes included from Toronto.

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Tokyo, Japan $991 (US) $946 (Canadian)

A great price for late fall travel. This fare is only available on All Nippon's own website. There is a stop-over in Chicago. Many dates are available from the last week in November to the first week in December 2007. A good way to find the days is to do a flexible date search on Kayak.

Keywords: asia all nippon kayak

Monday, Oct 29 2007 9:59pm

Suggested Good Deals to Asia Pacific

Toronto to Mumbai, India $1089 (august september 2008)
Toronto to Beijing, China $972 (2008)
Toronto to Tokyo $1111 (september 10 2007)
Toronto to Delhi, India $1256 (september 2007)

Toronto to Asia Pacific Europe USA Latin America Canada Africa