Montreal Flights

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Prices are for return travel taxes included from Montreal.

See all Montreal flight and bus entries.

Hong Kong $1070 (US) $998 (Canadian)

This flight is available from United leaving 19 Nov 2007 returning 28 Nov 2007 and possibly many other dates. It can be found initially using using a fixed or flexible date search. This flight has two connections on the outgoing leg and one connection on the incoming leg. Another simpler alternative is a US$1098 flight from Continental that's available many days in November and December 2007 and only has one connection on both legs.

Keywords: united asia continental

Monday, Nov 5 2007 7:14pm

Suggested Good Deals to Asia Pacific

Montreal to Seoul, South Korea $1265 (nov dec 2007)
Montreal to Shanghai, China $1164 (september 2007)
Montreal to Beijing, China $1393 (june 2007)
Montreal to Delhi, India $1276 (2007 october)

Montreal to Asia Pacific Europe USA Latin America Canada Africa