Montreal Flights

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Prices are for return travel taxes included from Montreal.

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Shanghai, China $1100 (US) $1164 (Canadian)

This is a good airfare deal between YUL and PVG (Shanghai) from American Airlines in September. To find this deal use Orbitz flexible dates search to find days where the $1263 fare is available and then go to American Airlines's site to book the same flight for Cdn$1164. Be sure to put Canada as your country of residence when you search for the flight. One example day of when this fare is available is Sep 11 - Sep 18 2007.

Keywords: asia orbitz american airlines

Monday, Jul 2 2007 9:19pm

Suggested Good Deals to Asia Pacific

Montreal to Seoul, South Korea $1265 (nov dec 2007)
Montreal to Hong Kong $998 (november december 2007)
Montreal to Beijing, China $1393 (june 2007)
Montreal to Delhi, India $1276 (2007 october)

Montreal to Asia Pacific Europe USA Latin America Canada Africa